Primepack Technologies Inc. was formerly Texchem-Pack Philippines established in 2002 and was later acquired by
AMTES Corporation officially making it as one of its subsidiaries. Since then, our company Primepack Technologies Inc., has been providing packaging products to customers in the electronics, data storage, semiconductor, automotive and medical industries. We offer a variety of thermoformed and injected plastic packaging products for the domestic as well as the Asian market.
We provide integrated manufacturing services ranging from design and product development to prototyping and mould fabrication to mass production. We also provide plastic tray recycling/washing as well as a total back-end packaging solutions to customers who demand these types of services. All of these are developed within the framework of delivering one stop packaging solutions to all our clients.
With that period of time in the industry, backed by experienced product development and excellent customer service team, we were able to develop long standing relationship with our key clients who count on us for their everyday process tray requirements and packaging needs.
Primepack has undoubtedly set standards in the plastic packaging industry locally.